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When do babies stop spitting up?

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Dealing with spit up?

This is a common, yet less than joyful motherhood experience you’ll have to endure. If you’re a first time mom, be sure to add plenty of burp cloths to your baby registry checklist!

So, how long does spitting up last?

Here’s everything you need to know about baby spit up and when it should stop!

Baby lifts chest and spits up on bed.

Why do babies spit up?

It’s normal for babies to spit up while their body is still in early development.

At this time, baby’s lower esophageal sphincter is not adequately strong. This sphincter is the body component responsible for preventing food from refluxing into the esophagus after digestion.

While those muscles work on strengthening, back flow is common. Spit up will usually manifest as an easy flow from the mouth, often accompanied with a burp.

When should I be concerned?

In some cases, baby spit up can be an indicator of other health problems, especially when spit up is excessive or explosive.

Baby may be suffering from a severe case of infant reflux or more serious health problems that need to be diagnosed by your doctor.

Keep an eye out for these symptoms and schedule an appoint if they occur:

  • Spit up is projectile or forceful
  • Excessive spit up in the amount of baby’s feed or more
  • Baby spits up green or yellow fluid
  • Baby repeatedly refuses to feed
  • There appears to be blood or what looks like coffee grounds in the spit up
  • There is blood in baby’s stool
  • Baby has fewer wet diapers
  • Baby is excessively fussy (cries for more than 3 hours in a day)
  • Weight gain has halted, slowed or is not within normal ranges
  • You notice other signs of illness like difficulty breathing

Keep in mind, it’s easy to overestimate the amount spit up based off what you catch in a burp cloth.

If baby is gaining a normal amount of weight and seems generally happy, there is usually nothing to worry about!

When will it stop?

Unfortunately, you might have to wait for up to a year for spit up to stop. It will usually start to taper off once baby starts eating solid foods and should be done around the 12 month mark if not before.

If it continues past this point, let your doctor know so you can determine whether treatment is required.

What can I do to reduce spit up?

In the meantime, there are several things you can do to help reduce your baby’s spit up.

  • Keep your baby upright for at least 30 minutes after feedings.
  • Avoid active play or a baby swing immediately following a feed.
  • Be sure to give baby a good burp after feeding.
  • Make sure baby always sleeps on her back.
  • Consider adjustments to your diet if you notice baby spits up more with certain foods.

You should also take some time to learn the important things to know about breastfeeding and work out a good newborn sleep schedule to ensure naps and feedings correspond correctly.

And, check here for even more brand new mom tips, including the best newborn baby hacks, must have newborn items and ideas for monthly baby photos!