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When is it safe for babies to eat cheerios?

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There are plenty of do’s and don’ts, important milestones to know, and adjustments to make as your baby constantly changes during their first year of life.

Food transitions are another key time for a developing child, so this is one question you can mark off your list: When are cheerios safe for babies?

Here’s everything you need to know!

Baby sits in high chair and eats cheerios.

When are Cheerios safe for babies?

The circle-shaped cereal is likely safe to introduce around the 9 month mark, according to Cheerios, themselves. Check with your pediatrician to be sure and to receive specific guidance for your child.

Before 9 months, you should focus on other good “first foods” that are softer in texture and in a wide variety to prepare baby for finger foods like this popular puffed cereal.

Signs Your Baby is Ready for Solid Foods

Before you can introduce Cheerios or any solid foods to baby, you should make sure they are developmentally ready. Here are some general signs baby might be ready to take this next step:

  • Your baby can hold their head up when sitting or propped up.
  • The tongue-thrust reflex has disappeared. To test: Place a tiny bit of baby-safe food thinned with formula or breastmilk on a spoon and introduce it into baby’s mouth. If they immediately shove it back out with their tongue after repeated tries, baby isn’t ready to try solid foods.
  • Your baby has started to show interest in table foods and the foods you eat.
  • Baby can move their tongue back and forth and up and down.
  • They can open their mouth wide enough to receive a baby spoon.

These signs will usually start around the 6 month mark.

First Foods to Try

Start by introducing baby purees, baby cereals, and oatmeal. The texture of these foods is still pretty runny and easy for baby to adjust to after only eating formula or breastmilk for several months.

As baby gets the hang of things, you can gradually reduce the amount of liquid in their food to thicken them and start adding mashed foods like bananas and steamed veggies.

Introduce new foods one at a time so you can pinpoint any adverse or allergic reactions right away.

As baby continues to adjust to solid foods, you can start to introduce more and more items and steer them towards finger foods like cheerios.

When they can sit up on their own, chew and have mastered the art of the “pincer grasp” it’s likely time to take this step.

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Caution and Safety

As you introduce new foods, especially finger foods to baby, be sure to stay right by them while they eat.

Watch them closely to ensure they are swallowing well, not stuffing their mouths, and don’t choke.

You’ll want to be right there to intervene if any of these problems occur!

Check here for more tips for the first time mama, including how often babies should bathe, what helps them go poop, and even how long babies are considered a baby.