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590 Authentic Old Fashioned Girl Names

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If you’re in love with old fashioned girl names, this is the ultimate list! Check out these vintage girl names straight from our grandmas.

Whether you like the sound of old fashioned girl names or they have a special meaning because of a loved one, there’s something classic and timeless about them.

And they’re growing in popularity with today’s parents!

You’ll love scrolling through the names below to find your own grandma’s name and to see which ones stand out as potential choices for your little miss.

RELATED: First Time Mom? Here’s Everything You Need To Know!

Vintage photo of little girl smiling.

What are some old fashioned girl names?

Here is a list of over 590 grandma names that moms like you shared with me, so they are 100% authentic!


  1. Ada
  2. Adele
  3. Adelina
  4. Adeline
  5. Afton
  6. Agnes
  7. Aileen
  8. Alberta
  9. Aldean
  10. Aldona
  11. Alena
  12. Alice
  13. Allie
  14. Alta
  15. Amalia
  16. Amanda
  17. Amelia
  18. America
  19. Amey
  20. Ana
  21. Anastacia
  22. Angelina
  23. Anita
  24. Ann
  25. Anna
  26. Annabelle
  27. Annadell
  28. AnnaMae
  29. Anne
  30. Annette
  31. Annie
  32. Antoinette
  33. April
  34. Ardis
  35. Arleen
  36. Arlene
  37. Arlien
  38. Arshella
  39. Arva
  40. Arvella
  41. Audean
  42. Audrey
  43. Aura
  44. Aurora
  45. Avis
  46. Azona


  1. Barbara
  2. Barbra
  3. Beatrice
  4. Belinda
  5. Belva
  6. Berlie
  7. Bernadine
  8. Bernice
  9. Beryl
  10. Betsy
  11. Betty
  12. Beverly
  13. Billie
  14. Birgitta
  15. Blanche
  16. Bobbie
  17. Bonnie
  18. Brenda


  1. Calene
  2. Carladene
  3. Carmen
  4. Carol
  5. CarolAnn
  6. Carole
  7. Carolyn
  8. Carrie
  9. Catherine
  10. Cathy
  11. Caulene
  12. Cecile
  13. Celia
  14. Ceretta
  15. Charlene
  16. Charlotte
  17. Chell
  18. Cherie
  19. Cherry
  20. Cheryl
  21. Cheryle
  22. Chris
  23. Christa
  24. Christina
  25. Christine
  26. Claire
  27. Clara
  28. Claris
  29. Claudia
  30. Cleora
  31. Coila
  32. Coleen
  33. Colleen
  34. Connie
  35. Constance
  36. Cora
  37. Corene
  38. Cynthia


  1. Daisy
  2. Dale
  3. Dallas
  4. Darleen
  5. Darlene
  6. Deana
  7. Deann
  8. Deanna
  9. Deanne
  10. Deborah
  11. Debra
  12. Deby
  13. Dee
  14. Deena
  15. Delena
  16. Delia
  17. Delila
  18. Della
  19. Delores
  20. DeLowa
  21. Denise
  22. Deon
  23. Deslie
  24. Diane
  25. Dicki
  26. Dixie
  27. Dolores
  28. Donna
  29. Donnette
  30. Dora
  31. Doreen
  32. Dorene
  33. Doris
  34. Dorothy
  35. Dorris
  36. Dors
  37. Dorthy
  38. Dot
  39. Dottie
  40. Dreama
  41. Druscilla


  1. Edith
  2. Edna
  3. Effie
  4. Eileen
  5. Elaine
  6. Elaine
  7. Elba
  8. Elberta
  9. Eldred
  10. Eleanor
  11. Elin
  12. Elinor
  13. Elisa
  14. Elizabeth
  15. Ella
  16. Ellamae
  17. Ellen
  18. Elsie
  19. Elva
  20. Elvia
  21. Emerald
  22. Emila
  23. Emilia
  24. Emma
  25. Emogene
  26. Enid
  27. Erma
  28. Erma
  29. Estella
  30. Estelle
  31. Esther
  32. Ethel
  33. Eva
  34. Evalyn
  35. Evangelina
  36. Evelyn
  37. Eyvonne
Little girl sits in a sink and smiles.


  1. Fae
  2. Faith
  3. Fanette
  4. Fawn
  5. Faye
  6. Fern
  7. Flonnie
  8. Flora
  9. Florence
  10. Flossie
  11. Fortune
  12. Fran
  13. Frances
  14. Francis
  15. Francisca
  16. Frenda


  1. Gail
  2. Gaye
  3. Gayle
  4. Genelle
  5. Genevieve
  6. Georgene
  7. Georgia
  8. Geraldine
  9. Geri
  10. Gladys
  11. Glenda
  12. Glenden
  13. Gloria
  14. Goldie
  15. Grace
  16. Gracie
  17. Gwen
  18. Gwena
  19. Gwendolyn


  1. Happiness
  2. Harper
  3. Hattie
  4. Hazel
  5. Hedwig
  6. Heidi
  7. Helana
  8. Helen
  9. Hellen
  10. Henrietta
  11. Hettie


  1. Ida
  2. Ila
  3. Ileen
  4. Ilene
  5. Ina
  6. Inez
  7. Inge
  8. Ioma
  9. Irene
  10. Iris
  11. Irma
  12. Irvaline
  13. Isabelle
  14. Isidra
  15. Iva
  16. Ivy
  17. Izetta


  1. Jane
  2. Janet
  3. Janice
  4. Janis
  5. Jannette
  6. Jari
  7. Jean
  8. Jeane
  9. Jeanine
  10. Jeanne
  11. Jeannette
  12. Jeannie
  13. Jeannine
  14. Jeneal
  15. Jennifer
  16. Jeorgina
  17. Jeri
  18. Jetta
  19. Jewel
  20. Joan
  21. Johnnie
  22. Jolene
  23. Josephine
  24. Josie
  25. Joy
  26. Joyce
  27. Juanita
  28. Judith
  29. Judy
  30. Julia
  31. June


  1. Karann (pronounced care-ann)
  2. Karen
  3. Karma
  4. Karren
  5. Karri
  6. Kata
  7. Kate
  8. Katherine
  9. Kathleen
  10. Kathryn
  11. Kathy
  12. Katie
  13. Kay
  14. Kaye
  15. Kaylamae
  16. Keanne
  17. Kendall
  18. Kim
  19. Kit
  20. Kortez
  21. Kristin
  22. Kristine
  23. Kristy
  24. Kyleen


  1. Laberta
  2. Lael
  3. Lana
  4. LaNea
  5. LaRae
  6. LaRain
  7. LaRee
  8. LaRu
  9. LaRue
  10. Lauradeen
  11. Laurel
  12. Lavelle
  13. Lavie
  14. Lavon
  15. Leah
  16. Leila
  17. Lena
  18. Lenora
  19. Lenore
  20. Leola
  21. Leona
  22. Leone
  23. Leora
  24. Lesa
  25. Leslie
  26. Leta
  27. Letha
  28. LeVona
  29. Levona
  30. Lila
  31. Lillian
  32. Lillias
  33. Lillie
  34. Lily
  35. Linda
  36. Linnea
  37. Lois
  38. Loise
  39. Lola
  40. Lolly
  41. Lonzie
  42. Lora
  43. Loraine
  44. Lorane
  45. Lorelei
  46. Lorena
  47. Loretta
  48. Lori
  49. Lorie
  50. Lorna
  51. Lorraine
  52. Lorrena
  53. Lottie
  54. Louise
  55. Loujean
  56. LoWana
  57. Luana
  58. Lucille
  59. Lucinda
  60. Lucy
  61. Luella
  62. Lulo
  63. Lydia
  64. Lynette
  65. Lynn
  66. Lynne
Old fashioned photo of baby girl.


  1. Mabel
  2. Mable
  3. Macie
  4. Madge
  5. Maggie
  6. Mala
  7. Malease
  8. Mamie
  9. Marcelina
  10. Margaret
  11. Marge
  12. Margie
  13. Margret
  14. Mariann
  15. Marie
  16. Marie-Celine
  17. Marilyn
  18. Marilynne
  19. Marion
  20. Marjean
  21. Marjorie
  22. Marla
  23. Marleen
  24. Marlene
  25. Marlie
  26. Marlynne
  27. Marlys
  28. Marsha
  29. Marta
  30. Martha
  31. Martilynne
  32. Marty
  33. Marva
  34. Marvean
  35. Marvell
  36. Mary
  37. Mary Lou
  38. Mary-Elizabeth
  39. Marybelle
  40. Marylee
  41. Marylyn
  42. Maud
  43. Maureen
  44. Maurine
  45. Maxine
  46. Maydell
  47. Melba
  48. Melinda
  49. Merilee
  50. Merill
  51. Merla
  52. Merle
  53. Mertle
  54. Michelle
  55. Mila
  56. Mildred
  57. Millicent
  58. Millie
  59. Mimi
  60. Minnie
  61. Molly
  62. Mona
  63. Monica
  64. Myrl
  65. Myrle
  66. Myrna
  67. Myrne
  68. Myrth
  69. Myrtle


  1. Nadene
  2. Nadine
  3. Nancy
  4. Naomi
  5. Natalie
  6. Necia
  7. Nedra
  8. Nell
  9. Nellie
  10. Nelly
  11. Netta
  12. Nina
  13. Nola
  14. Nona
  15. Nora
  16. Noreen
  17. Norlena
  18. Norma
  19. Norma
  20. Norman


  1. Odessa
  2. Olive
  3. Ollie
  4. Ona
  5. Opal
  6. Ophelia
  7. Ora
  8. Ouida
  9. Ovalear


  1. Pam
  2. Pamela
  3. Pat
  4. Patricia
  5. Patsy
  6. Paula
  7. Paulette
  8. Pauline
  9. Pearl
  10. Peggy
  11. Pennie
  12. Penny
  13. Pernie
  14. Phillis
  15. Phoda
  16. Phyllis
  17. Pitty


  1. Rachel
  2. Rae
  3. Raedel
  4. Ramola
  5. Ranee
  6. Rayola
  7. Rayona
  8. Rea
  9. Reavone
  10. Reba
  11. Rebecca
  12. Reena
  13. Regina
  14. Renae
  15. Renee
  16. Revenna
  17. Rhea
  18. Rhoda
  19. Rita
  20. Robin
  21. Roma
  22. Rosa
  23. Rosalind
  24. Rosario
  25. Rose
  26. Rosealin
  27. Rosemary
  28. Rosie
  29. RoWane
  30. Roxanna
  31. Ruby
  32. Rulene
  33. Ruth
  34. Ruthie


  1. Sally
  2. Sandra
  3. Sarah
  4. Serena
  5. Sevie
  6. Shanna
  7. Shari
  8. Sharleen
  9. Sharlene
  10. Sharon
  11. Sharryl
  12. Sheila
  13. Sherri
  14. Sherry
  15. Shirley
  16. Solla
  17. Sophie
  18. Stella
  19. Sue
  20. Susan
  21. Susie
  22. Suzan
  23. Suzanne
  24. Suzzie
  25. Svea
  26. Sybol
  27. Sydna
  28. Sydney
  29. Syliva
Old fashioned photo of girl sleeping with doll.


  1. Tara
  2. Tari
  3. Tauna
  4. Thella
  5. Thelma
  6. Thirza
  7. Thola
  8. Tonna
  9. Torla
  10. Tressie
  11. Tricia
  12. Trudy
  13. True


  1. Ulli
  2. Unice
  3. Ursula
  4. Uvonna


  1. Valerie
  2. Vallen
  3. Valmai
  4. Valorie
  5. Veda
  6. Velma
  7. Velna
  8. Vera
  9. Veralyn
  10. Verl
  11. Verla
  12. Vermilla
  13. Verna
  14. Verona
  15. Versie
  16. Vicie
  17. Victoria
  18. Vida
  19. Viola
  20. Violet
  21. Virginia
  22. Vivian


  1. Wanda
  2. Wendy
  3. Willadean
  4. Wilma
  5. Winnie
  6. Winona


  1. Yavonne
  2. Yvetta
  3. Yvonne


  1. Zada
  2. Zana
  3. Zella
  4. Zelma
  5. Zina
  6. Zola
  7. Zora
Old photo of girl holding umbrella while getting sprayed with hose.

Once I had the list of vintage names from our grandmas, I recognized several from my list of over 700 modern baby names.

So I ran a quick formula and found which of the above old fashioned girl names are being used by moms today!

  1. Ada
  2. Adele
  3. Adeline
  4. Alta
  5. Amelia
  6. Annabelle
  7. Audrey
  8. Aurora
  9. Celia
  10. Charlotte
  11. Claire
  12. Clara
  13. Cora
  14. Della
  15. Dixie
  16. Eleanor
  17. Ella
  18. Elsie
  19. Emma
  20. Estelle
  21. Evelyn
  22. Faye
  23. Fern
  24. Flora
  25. Genevieve
  26. Georgia
  27. Goldie
  28. Gracie
  29. Harper
  30. Hattie
  31. Heidi
  32. Iris
  33. Jolene
  34. Judith
  35. Lana
  36. LaRue
  37. Lila
  38. Lillie
  39. Lily
  40. Lucy
  41. Lydia
  42. Macie
  43. Maggie
  44. Molly
  45. Nellie
  46. Nina
  47. Nora
  48. Olive
  49. Rae
  50. Rose
  51. Ruby
  52. Sophie
  53. Stella
  54. Violet
  55. Zella

Want More?

If you liked this post, be sure to check out my growing archive of baby name lists for even more inspiration!

Your Turn

Which of the old fashioned girl names was your favorite? Do you want to add your grandma’s name to the list? Let me know in the comments!

And if you liked this post, please Pin it below!

Pinterest graphic with text and old fashioned photo of little girl.

Irene Madrid

Saturday 29th of July 2023

Irene is a family name. Both my grandmothers were Irene...and it means PEACE in the Greek. I hope my grands etc continue to use it either as a first name or middle name. It is strong and not common.

Jessica Ashcroft

Monday 31st of July 2023

I love that Irene! Thanks for sharing!

Callie S.

Monday 2nd of August 2021

Awww!! I love these! So refreshing <3

Jessica Ashcroft

Monday 2nd of August 2021

Thanks Callie!