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1000+ Modern Baby Names For Boys and Girls (2025 Guide)

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This is the most comprehensive list of modern baby names for both boys and girls! With over 1000 unique baby names, you’re sure to find the one perfect for your new addition.

My husband and I had a pretty good formula down for naming our first two children.

I created a list of favorites, my husband chose the first name, and I chose the middle name. It worked out pretty well for the most part!

But for our third baby, it had been years since I’d looked at a baby name list, so I decided to do a little “market research” to see what all of the cool moms were naming their kiddos.

And that’s how this post came to be!

So if you’re looking for modern, unique names, you’ve come to the right place. The following list has more than 1000 modern baby boy and girl names.

Make sure you check out the free printables at the end of the post with the most popular boy and girl names from these lists!

RELATED: Everything You Need To Know About Being A First Time Mom

A pregnant woman wearing a striped dress holds her baby belly on a dock.

Modern Baby Boy Names

Black and white photo of woman holding baby boy wearing hat after delivery.

Every mom wants to pick the perfect name for her little guy, and the following list has several modern baby boy names for you to choose from.

Whether you want short names like Ace, Caz, or Fox; a place name like Dallas, Denver, or Memphis; or nature names like River, Timber, or Forest, you’re sure to find the unique baby boy name you’re looking for.


  1. Abel
  2. Absalom
  3. Ace
  4. Adrian
  5. Aiden
  6. AJ
  7. Alan
  8. Alder
  9. Alexander
  10. Alexsandro
  11. Alistair
  12. Ames
  13. Anders
  14. Andrew
  15. Andy
  16. Archer
  17. Arlan
  18. Arlen
  19. Arlo
  20. Arlow
  21. Arlowe
  22. Arrow
  23. Ash
  24. Asher – Hebrew origin, Blessed, Happy (more modern A boy name meanings)
  25. Ashton
  26. Atlas
  27. Atticus
  28. Augie
  29. August
  30. Austin
  31. Axxton
  32. Ayden
  33. Azriel


  1. Bailer
  2. Baker
  3. Banks
  4. Barrett
  5. Baylor – English name, One who delivers goods (more modern B boy name meanings)
  6. Beau
  7. Beauden
  8. Beckam
  9. Beckett
  10. Beck
  11. Benjamin
  12. Benji
  13. Bennett
  14. Bensen
  15. Benson
  16. Bentlee
  17. Bentley
  18. Birch
  19. Blake
  20. Blaze
  21. Boden
  22. Bohdi
  23. Bodie
  24. Boone
  25. Boss
  26. Boston
  27. Bowden
  28. Bowen
  29. Brady
  30. Brae
  31. Braeton
  32. Branson
  33. Brantley
  34. Braxton
  35. Brayden
  36. Brayton
  37. Breagan
  38. Breckston
  39. Briar
  40. Bridger
  41. Brigg
  42. Briggs
  43. Brixton
  44. Brixx
  45. Brody
  46. Bronson
  47. Brooks
  48. Bryce
  49. Bryton
  50. Burke
  51. Burks


  1. Cabry
  2. Cal
  3. Caleb
  4. Calian – Indian origin, Great warrior (more modern C boy name meanings)
  5. Callum
  6. Calvin
  7. Camden
  8. Cannon
  9. Carson
  10. Carter
  11. Case
  12. Cash
  13. Cayden
  14. Caz
  15. Chance
  16. Chanceton
  17. Chet
  18. Chipper
  19. Clay
  20. Clifford
  21. Clive
  22. Clyde
  23. Coast
  24. Cohen
  25. Coleman
  26. Collin
  27. Colt
  28. Colton
  29. Conrad
  30. Cooper
  31. Corbin
  32. Cord
  33. Corvin
  34. Coulson
  35. Covey
  36. Coy
  37. Crew
  38. Crue
  39. Cruz
  40. Cruiz
  41. Cutler


  1. Dallas – Scottish origin, From the meadow dwelling (more modern D boy name meanings)
  2. Dalton
  3. Dane
  4. Dash
  5. Dason
  6. Davis
  7. Dawson
  8. Dax
  9. Daxon
  10. Daxton
  11. Dayton
  12. Deacon
  13. Deagan
  14. Decker
  15. Declan
  16. Dekker
  17. Denver
  18. Desmond
  19. Dixon
  20. Dominic
  21. Drakon
Baby boy wearing blue outfit lays on side while sleeping on white sheet.


  1. Eames
  2. Easton
  3. Edison
  4. Egan
  5. Eir – Old Norse origin, Mercy (more modern E boy name meanings)
  6. Eli
  7. Elias
  8. Elijah
  9. Emerson
  10. Emery
  11. Emmett
  12. Emory
  13. Ender
  14. Enzo
  15. Everest
  16. Everett
  17. Everhett
  18. Ezden
  19. Ezra
  20. Ezrael


  1. Faber
  2. Fallon
  3. Fenix
  4. Fennwick (Fenn)
  5. Fenton
  6. Ferrin
  7. Finn
  8. Finnegan
  9. Finnian
  10. Finley
  11. Fisher
  12. Fitz
  13. Flynn
  14. Ford
  15. Forest
  16. Foster – English surname, To nourish or rear (more modern F boy name meanings)
  17. Fox


  1. Gable
  2. Gage
  3. Gaige
  4. Gaines
  5. Gaites
  6. Gareth
  7. Garin
  8. Garrett
  9. Garrick
  10. Garrison
  11. Gatling
  12. Gatsby
  13. Gauge
  14. Gavin
  15. Gehrig
  16. Gibson
  17. Gordin
  18. Grady
  19. Graham – English origin, From the gravelly homestead (more modern G boy name meanings)
  20. Granger
  21. Grant
  22. Gray
  23. Graydon
  24. Grayson
  25. Grey
  26. Greyer
  27. Greyson
  28. Griffin
  29. Griffith
  30. Grigsby
  31. Gunner
  32. Guy
  33. Gyver


  1. Haines
  2. Halen
  3. Harland
  4. Harris
  5. Harrison
  6. Harvey – French origin, Battle warrior (more modern H boy name meanings)
  7. Hatcher
  8. Havok
  9. Hayden
  10. Hayes
  11. Hemi
  12. Hendricks
  13. Hendrik
  14. Hendrix
  15. Henley
  16. Henry
  17. Heston
  18. Hiro
  19. Holden
  20. Houston
  21. Hudsen
  22. Hudson
  23. Hugh
  24. Huntlee
  25. Huntley
  26. Hutch
  27. Huxlee
  28. Huxon
  29. Hyker
  30. Hyrum


  1. Ike
  2. Indie – Originated from the United States, Independent (more modern I boy name meanings)
  3. Isaac


  1. Jace
  2. Jacer
  3. Jack
  4. Jackson
  5. Jak
  6. James
  7. Jameson
  8. Jax
  9. Jaxen
  10. Jaxon
  11. Jaxson – American origin, Son of Jack (more modern J boy name meanings)
  12. Isaac
  13. Jayden
  14. Jensen
  15. Jesse
  16. Jet
  17. Jett
  18. Jeter
  19. Jex
  20. Joe
  21. Jonah
  22. Jonas
  23. Jonathan
  24. Jones
  25. Jorey
  26. Joshua
  27. Josiah
  28. Judd
  29. Jude
  30. Juddson
  31. Julian
Toddler boy wearing shorts, cardigan, and bow tie puts his hands in his pockets and smiles.


  1. Kade
  2. Kai
  3. Kaiden
  4. Kaladin
  5. Kalani
  6. Kannon
  7. Kasen
  8. Kashton
  9. Katayo
  10. Kayger
  11. Kayven
  12. Kaze
  13. Keaton
  14. Keegan
  15. Kellen
  16. Kellin
  17. Kendrick
  18. Kent
  19. Kenyon
  20. Kimball
  21. Kincaid – Old Scottish surname, From Kincaith (more modern K boy name meanings)
  22. Kingsley
  23. Kingson
  24. Kingstyn
  25. Knox
  26. Knoxx
  27. Koe (Pronounced like Joe)
  28. Kolby
  29. Kole
  30. Korbyn
  31. Kove
  32. Koy
  33. Krew
  34. Kru
  35. Krue
  36. Kyrone


  1. Laker
  2. Lamoni
  3. Lance
  4. Landon
  5. Lane
  6. Larson
  7. Lawson
  8. Ledger
  9. Leland
  10. Lennon
  11. Lennox
  12. Leo
  13. Leonidas – Greek origin, Lion-like (more modern L boy name meanings)
  14. Levi
  15. Lewis
  16. Liam – The most popular name for boys in 2021 according to the Social Security Administration.
  17. Lincoln
  18. Loal
  19. Lockwood (Lock)
  20. Logan
  21. Loic
  22. Louie
  23. Luca
  24. Luke


  1. MacAdam
  2. Maccoy – Scottish origin, From the Celtic “Mac Aodh”; Son of the fire (more modern M boy name meanings)
  3. Mack
  4. Madden
  5. Maddox
  6. Malachi
  7. Malakai
  8. Martin
  9. Mason
  10. Mateo
  11. Maverick
  12. Maverik
  13. Max
  14. Maxim
  15. Maximus
  16. Maxton
  17. McClain
  18. McCoy
  19. McKade
  20. Mckay
  21. Mcoy
  22. Memphis
  23. Merrel
  24. Miller
  25. Milo
  26. Miloh
  27. Miles
  28. Mitchell
  29. Morrison
  30. Moxon
  31. Mykah
  32. Myles
  33. Mylo


  1. Nash
  2. Nathan
  3. Nathaniel
  4. Nicholas
  5. Nixon – English origin, Son of Nicholas (more modern N boy name meanings)
  6. Noah
  7. Nolan


  1. Oakland
  2. Oaklee
  3. Oliver
  4. Orson
  5. Otto – German origin, Wealth (more modern O boy name meanings)
  6. Owen
Baby boy wearing white fuzzy jacket sleeps in bassinet with blue blanket.


  1. Parker
  2. Parks
  3. Phoenix – Greek origin, Blood red (more modern P boy name meanings)
  4. Porter
  5. Preston
  6. Pryer


  1. Quade
  2. Quaid
  3. Quinn – Irish origin, Descendent of Conn (more modern Q boy name meanings)


  1. Ranger
  2. Rayder
  3. Ree
  4. Reed
  5. Reese
  6. Reid
  7. Rex
  8. Rexton
  9. Rhett
  10. Rhys
  11. Ridge
  12. Riggins – Irish origin, Little King (more modern R boy name meanings)
  13. Riggs
  14. Ripp
  15. River
  16. Rockwell
  17. Rohan
  18. Roman
  19. Romiyo
  20. Ronin
  21. Rooney
  22. Roper
  23. Ross
  24. Roston
  25. Rowan
  26. Rowdy
  27. Rowling
  28. Royce
  29. Ruger
  30. Russell
  31. Ryatt
  32. Ryde
  33. Ryder
  34. Ryker


  1. Samson
  2. Sawyer
  3. Slade
  4. Smith
  5. Soony
  6. Soren
  7. Stanley
  8. Steel
  9. Steeler
  10. Sterling
  11. Stetson
  12. Stockton – English origin, From the monastery town (more modern S boy name meanings)


  1. Tad
  2. Taft
  3. Tag
  4. Taggart
  5. Taj
  6. Taje (Pronounced like Sage)
  7. Talmage
  8. Talon
  9. Tarek
  10. Tate
  11. Tatum
  12. Tayden
  13. Tayson
  14. Tayten
  15. Tayton
  16. Teague
  17. Tennessee – Native American origin, Gathering place (more modern T boy name meanings)
  18. Tennyson
  19. Thatch
  20. Thatcher
  21. Theodore
  22. Theo
  23. Thomas
  24. Tiago
  25. Timber
  26. Titan
  27. Titon
  28. Tobias
  29. Toryn
  30. Townes
  31. Trace
  32. Tracer
  33. Trae
  34. Traeger
  35. Trafford
  36. Trayke
  37. Treg
  38. Treysen
  39. Treyson
  40. Trigg
  41. Tripp
  42. Truman
  43. Tucker
  44. Turner
  45. Tyge
  46. Tyler
  47. Tyrion
  48. Tyson
Toddler boy wearing white button up and jeans runs on a lawn while laughing.


  1. Urban Latin origin, From the city (more modern U boy name meanings)


  1. Vaan (Pronounced like Vaughn)
  2. Vanson
  3. Vaughn
  4. Vaylor – American origin, Resourceful, Kind (more modern V boy name meanings)
  5. Vinn


  1. Walker
  2. Wallis
  3. Warner
  4. Ward
  5. Watts
  6. Waylon
  7. Wells
  8. Welles
  9. Wesley
  10. West
  11. Weston – English origin, From the West town (more modern W boy name meanings)
  12. Wheeler
  13. Wilder
  14. Woodrow
  15. Wyatt
  16. Wynston


  1. Xander – Greek origin, Defender of the people (more modern X boy name meanings)
  2. Xavier
  3. Xyan


  1. Yates – English origin, Dweller by the gate (more modern Y boy name meanings)
  2. York


  1. Zachary
  2. Zaiden
  3. Zandyn
  4. Zane
  5. Zayden
  6. Zeke
  7. Zion – Hebrew origin, Israel (more modern Z boy name meanings)

Related: What Every New Mom Should Know About Postpartum Body Changes

Modern Baby Girl Names

Newborn baby sleeps in her bassinet labeled with her baby name sign, "Ella."

Picking the perfect modern baby girl name may seem like a daunting task, but we’re here to help!

Whether you’re looking for a stylish name like Blaire, Daphne, or Presley; a trendy name like Olivia, Ava, or Mia; or cute names like Elodie, Lyla, or Nova you’re sure to find the right name in the list below.


  1. Abby
  2. Abygail
  3. Acadia
  4. Ada
  5. Adaline
  6. Adeline
  7. Adalyn
  8. Addilyn
  9. Addison
  10. Addisynn
  11. Adelaide
  12. Adele
  13. Adrie – Dutch origin, Diminutive of Adrianus and Adriana (more modern A girl name meanings)
  14. Aidan
  15. Ainsley
  16. Alaine
  17. Alana
  18. Alexia
  19. Ali
  20. Alina
  21. Alta
  22. Amara
  23. Ambree
  24. Amelia
  25. Andilynn
  26. Anika
  27. Annabelle
  28. Anniston
  29. Arayah
  30. Ari
  31. Aria
  32. Arianna-Lynn
  33. Ariyanna 
  34. Arlowe
  35. Aryela (pronounced Are-E-A-la)
  36. Ashtyn
  37. Aspen
  38. Astrid
  39. Athena
  40. Audree
  41. Audrey
  42. Aurora
  43. Ava
  44. Aven
  45. Avie
  46. Averie
  47. Avery
  48. Ayla (Pronounced eye-luh)
  49. Aynzlee


  1. Bailee
  2. Baylee
  3. Bella
  4. Belle
  5. Bentley
  6. Bennett
  7. Birdie
  8. Blair
  9. Blaire
  10. Blake
  11. Blakely
  12. Bliss
  13. Bowie – Irish origin, Yellow haired (more modern B girl name meanings)
  14. Braelyn
  15. Braelynn
  16. Brayli
  17. Breena
  18. Breklyn
  19. Brenner
  20. Brexxli
  21. Brexley
  22. Brighton
  23. Brinleigh
  24. Brinley
  25. Bristol
  26. Brix
  27. Brooke
  28. Brooklyn
  29. Brylee
  30. Brynlee


  1. Camdyn
  2. Camrie
  3. Campbell
  4. Cara
  5. Caroline
  6. Carter June Belle
  7. Cecilia
  8. Celia
  9. Chamberlee
  10. Chaneal
  11. Chansey
  12. Charlie
  13. Charlee
  14. Charleigh
  15. Charlotte
  16. Charly
  17. Chesney
  18. Cheyenne
  19. Cilla
  20. Claire
  21. Clara
  22. Collins
  23. Connolly
  24. Cooper Lyn
  25. Cora
  26. Cove – English origin, Small coastal inlet (more modern C girl name meanings)
  27. Crosby


  1. Dahlia
  2. Daivy – Indian origin, Divine (more modern D girl name meanings)
  3. Dakotah
  4. Dallee
  5. Dallie
  6. Danivyn
  7. Daphne
  8. Darla
  9. Daylin
  10. Della
  11. Delphy
  12. Demi
  13. Desi
  14. Delta
  15. Dillyn
  16. Dixie
  17. Dotty


  1. Echo
  2. Eden
  3. Eisley
  4. Elaina
  5. Eleanor
  6. Elena
  7. Eliana
  8. Eliyah
  9. Eliza
  10. Ella
  11. Ellie
  12. Elliot
  13. Ellodie
  14. Elodie
  15. Eloise – French origin, Famous warrior (more modern E girl name meanings)
  16. Elora
  17. Elorie
  18. Ellorie
  19. Elsie
  20. Ember
  21. Emberly
  22. Emerson
  23. Emerie
  24. Emery
  25. Emma
  26. Emmalily
  27. Emmalyne
  28. Emmary
  29. Emmeline
  30. Esme
  31. Estelle
  32. Eva
  33. Evelyn
  34. Evelynn
  35. Everleigh
  36. Everly
  37. Evie
Baby girl with big bow floral bow and pink diaper cover sleeps on her tummy.


  1. Fable
  2. Fairly
  3. Fanning
  4. Fay – French origin, Fairy or Elf (more modern F girl name meanings)
  5. Faye
  6. Fayre
  7. Fendi
  8. Fern
  9. Finley
  10. Flora
  11. Freya
  12. Fynlee


  1. Gavyn
  2. Gemma
  3. Genevieve
  4. Gentry
  5. Georgia
  6. Gigi
  7. Goldie
  8. Gracie
  9. Greta German origin, A pearl (more modern G girl name meanings)


  1. Hadlee
  2. Hadley
  3. Hadli
  4. Halli
  5. Halley
  6. Hallow
  7. Harbor
  8. Harley
  9. Harlow
  10. Harlowe
  11. Harlyn
  12. Harper – English origin, Harp player (more modern H girl name meanings)
  13. Hartlie
  14. Harvie
  15. Hattie
  16. Haven
  17. Hayley
  18. Haylee
  19. Heidi
  20. Helena
  21. Henlee
  22. Henley
  23. Hera
  24. Holland
  25. Huntlie


  1. Indee
  2. Indi
  3. Indy
  4. Iris – Greek origin, Colorful, Rainbow (more modern I girl name meanings)
  5. Isabella
  6. Isilee (Pronounced Iss-ill-ee)
  7. Isla
  8. Isobel
  9. Ivee
  10. Ivie


  1. Jacie
  2. Jacey
  3. Jade
  4. Jasmine
  5. Jaylee
  6. Jemma
  7. Jenna
  8. Jennison
  9. Jersey
  10. Jocelyn
  11. Jolene
  12. Jordyn
  13. Jordynn
  14. Josey
  15. Journie
  16. Jovi
  17. Jovie – American origin, Joyful (more modern J girl name meanings)
  18. Judith
  19. June Belle
  20. Juniper
  21. Justina
Baby girl with brown curly hair and owl pattern onesie smiles.


  1. Kada – Sanskrit origin, Cloud (more modern K girl name meanings)
  2. Kaezlee
  3. Kaislee
  4. Kaizlee
  5. Kalena
  6. Kallie
  7. Kamryn
  8. Kanyon Skye
  9. Kapri
  10. Kaycee
  11. Kaydence
  12. Kenadee
  13. Kendra
  14. Kennedy
  15. Kenzee
  16. Kenzi
  17. Keslynn
  18. Kestry
  19. Kezlee
  20. Khloe
  21. Kiara
  22. Kimber
  23. Kinlee
  24. Kinley
  25. Kinsley
  26. Klaire
  27. Knoxx
  28. Kodie
  29. Kolbi
  30. Kopelynn
  31. Korra
  32. Korraline
  33. Kourtlyn
  34. Kourtnee
  35. Krimzyn
  36. Kylee


  1. Lacey
  2. Lainey
  3. Laken
  4. Lana
  5. LaRue
  6. Leia
  7. Leigha
  8. Leighton
  9. Lennon – Irish origin, Dear One (more modern L girl name meanings)
  10. Lenny
  11. Lettie
  12. Lexi
  13. Lila
  14. Lilibet
  15. Lillie
  16. Lily
  17. Lindley
  18. Liv
  19. Livia
  20. London
  21. Lucie
  22. Lucile
  23. Lucy
  24. Lula
  25. Luna
  26. Luxley
  27. Lyanna
  28. Lydia
  29. Lyla
  30. Lyllah
  31. Lyric


  1. Macie
  2. Madalyn
  3. Madalynn
  4. Maddy
  5. Madeline
  6. Madilyn
  7. Mae
  8. Maebel – English origin, Lovable (more modern M girl name meanings)
  9. Maelie
  10. Maelynn
  11. Maeve
  12. Maggie
  13. Magnolia “Nolie”
  14. Maisie
  15. Maizee
  16. MaKayla
  17. MaKeara
  18. MaKindrey
  19. Maple
  20. Marigold
  21. Marlanea (pronounced Mar-LAY-nuh)
  22. Marley
  23. Matilda
  24. Maurlee
  25. Maxwell
  26. Maycee
  27. Maycie
  28. Maylee
  29. Maysen
  30. Mazey
  31. Mazie
  32. Mckenley “Kenny”
  33. McKenzie
  34. McKinley
  35. Meadow
  36. Megan
  37. Melody
  38. Memphis
  39. Mia
  40. Miah
  41. Miekah
  42. Mika
  43. Mikinley
  44. Mila (Pronounced mee-la)
  45. Molly
  46. Monroe
  47. Morley
  48. Murphy
  49. Myah
  50. Myla


  1. Naevi
  2. Naomi
  3. Natalie
  4. Navy
  5. Nayvee
  6. Nayvie
  7. Nellie
  8. Nevaeh
  9. Nina
  10. Noelle
  11. Nora
  12. Norah
  13. Nova – Latin origin, New (more modern N girl name meanings)
Baby girl with yellow bow and blue striped romper pushes up on patchwork quilt outside.


  1. Oaklee
  2. Oaklen – American origin, Beautiful Oak (more modern O girl name meanings)
  3. Oakley
  4. Oaklie
  5. Octavia
  6. Olive
  7. OliviaThe most popular name for girls in 2021 according to the Social Security Administration.
  8. Opal
  9. Ozzy


  1. Paisley
  2. Palmer
  3. Parker
  4. Payton
  5. Peyton
  6. Peytyn
  7. Piper
  8. Poppy
  9. Porter
  10. Presley
  11. Prish – Hindu origin, God gifted (more modern P girl name meanings)


  1. Quimby – Norse origin, Estate of the woman (more modern Q girl name meanings)
  2. Quincee
  3. Quincy
  4. Quinn


  1. Rae
  2. Raegan
  3. Raelynn
  4. Raidyn
  5. Reagan
  6. Reese
  7. Remedi
  8. Remi
  9. Remington
  10. Remy
  11. Renata
  12. Rey
  13. Riannon “Aria”
  14. Riley
  15. Rome
  16. Rory
  17. Rosalie “Rosie”
  18. Rose
  19. Roselynn
  20. Roslyn
  21. Rowen “Roe” English origin, From the Rowan tree (more modern R girl name meanings)
  22. Rowyn
  23. Roxanne
  24. Ruby
  25. Rue
  26. Ry’lee
  27. Ryah
  28. Rylee
  29. Rylie
Toddler girl with pom pom sweater sucks a binky with beach in background.


  1. Sadie
  2. Sage
  3. Saige
  4. Sailor
  5. Salem
  6. Salynnity
  7. Sarina
  8. Savanna
  9. Savvy – American origin, Smart (more modern S girl name meanings)
  10. Saylor
  11. Scarlet
  12. Scarlett
  13. Scottlyn
  14. Scout
  15. Seattle
  16. Serenity
  17. Shaeli
  18. Shaylie
  19. Sicily
  20. Sienna
  21. Skye
  22. Skylar
  23. Skylee
  24. Sofia
  25. Sofie
  26. Sophia
  27. Sophie
  28. Sloan
  29. Sloane
  30. Stella
  31. Stephanie
  32. Stevie
  33. Sullivan
  34. Summer
  35. Sunny
  36. Sutton Lou
  37. Swaizey
  38. Swayzee


  1. Talia
  2. Tayler
  3. Taylie
  4. Taylor
  5. Temperance
  6. Tennley – English origin, Burnt clearing (more modern T girl name meanings)
  7. Thora
  8. Tia
  9. Trinity
  10. Tunley


  1. Valencia
  2. Vallie
  3. Vanessa
  4. Vica – English origin, To live (more modern V girl name meanings)
  5. Violet
  6. Vittoria


  1. Whitley
  2. Willa
  3. Willow
  4. Winry – English origin, Blessed (more modern W girl name meanings)
  5. Wrigley


  1. Zara – English origin, Princess (more modern Z girl name meanings)
  2. Zayden
  3. Zaylei
  4. Zella
  5. Zenniyah (Pronounced ze-nye-uh)
  6. Zia
  7. Ziva
  8. Zoe/Zoey
  9. Zuri

Related: The Ultimate First Time Mom Baby Registry Checklist

Close up of baby girl with yellow bow and yellow dress looking up at someone.

Must Haves For New Moms

Knowing what you need (and what you don't) as a first time mom can be tough. This is the best list of must haves for new moms (coming from a mom of 4)!


What is the coolest name in 2023?

According to Nameberry, the name trends for 2023 will focus on maximalist, 80’s style, gilded, neo-cowboy, cross-cultural, X-tra, adjectives, grandpa, blue-green, and mix and match names.
Here are a few cool names from each of the categories:


80’s Style






Grandpa names for Girls


Mix and Match

What is the prettiest name for a girl?

Pretty names are usually subjective but here are several names that mean pretty or beautiful:


What’s the rarest name in 2023?

According to the Social Security Administration, these are the lowest names in the list of 1000 names. They are at the bottom of the list, which means they are somewhat rare:


Free Printables

Every year I go through and update this list based on names given to babies in the last year.

If you’d like to get a cute printable list with all of the modern names for boys moms have used in 2021 and 2022 (including middle names!), just enter your email below and I’ll send you the list.


Here are even more modern boy names for 2023!

And if you’re wondering what names moms are using for their baby girls in 2022, just enter your email below and I’ll send you a cute printable list with over 50 names moms have used in the past year (including middle names)!


Most of the names are also included in this list of top 1000 baby girl names!

If you know any other first time moms who might like these lists, be sure to share this post with them and spread the baby name love!

Want More?

If you liked this post, be sure to check out my growing archive of baby name lists including posts like:

Your Turn

Do you have any modern baby names that aren’t on the list but should be?

Leave me a comment and I’ll add them!

Pinterest graphic with text and photo of baby on cream colored sheet.


Wednesday 22nd of June 2022

Also have another daughter called Peony


Wednesday 22nd of June 2022

I have a daughter called Hebe she has never met another one

Jessica Ashcroft

Monday 27th of June 2022

That's so unique! How do you pronounce it?


Wednesday 23rd of February 2022

Auria (are-e-ya)


Tuesday 24th of August 2021

Another couple name ideas for the list: Leia (lay-uh) my sisters name (from Star Wars) Chaneal (Sha-neil) Kristen

Jessica Ashcroft

Wednesday 25th of August 2021

Thank you! I will add those!


Monday 12th of July 2021

I’m named after all my grandmothers middle names Raeleeann pronounced Rae-Lee-Ann. I’ve always love my name and haven’t heard anyone else with the same name. My middle name is also Erah-Vai pronounced Air-a-vay, named after and old relative as well.