This is the most comprehensive list of modern baby names for both boys and girls! With over 1000 unique baby names, you’re sure to find the one perfect for your new addition.
My husband and I had a pretty good formula down for naming our first two children.
I created a list of favorites, my husband chose the first name, and I chose the middle name. It worked out pretty well for the most part!
But for our third baby, it had been years since I’d looked at a baby name list, so I decided to do a little “market research” to see what all of the cool moms were naming their kiddos.
And that’s how this post came to be!
So if you’re looking for modern, unique names, you’ve come to the right place. The following list has more than 1000 modern baby boy and girl names.
Make sure you check out the free printables at the end of the post with the most popular boy and girl names from these lists!
RELATED: Everything You Need To Know About Being A First Time Mom

Modern Baby Boy Names

Every mom wants to pick the perfect name for her little guy, and the following list has several modern baby boy names for you to choose from.
Whether you want short names like Ace, Caz, or Fox; a place name like Dallas, Denver, or Memphis; or nature names like River, Timber, or Forest, you’re sure to find the unique baby boy name you’re looking for.
- Abel
- Absalom
- Ace
- Adrian
- Aiden
- AJ
- Alan
- Alder
- Alexander
- Alexsandro
- Alistair
- Ames
- Anders
- Andrew
- Andy
- Archer
- Arlan
- Arlen
- Arlo
- Arlow
- Arlowe
- Arrow
- Ash
- Asher – Hebrew origin, Blessed, Happy (more modern A boy name meanings)
- Ashton
- Atlas
- Atticus
- Augie
- August
- Austin
- Axxton
- Ayden
- Azriel
- Bailer
- Baker
- Banks
- Barrett
- Baylor – English name, One who delivers goods (more modern B boy name meanings)
- Beau
- Beauden
- Beckam
- Beckett
- Beck
- Benjamin
- Benji
- Bennett
- Bensen
- Benson
- Bentlee
- Bentley
- Birch
- Blake
- Blaze
- Boden
- Bohdi
- Bodie
- Boone
- Boss
- Boston
- Bowden
- Bowen
- Brady
- Brae
- Braeton
- Branson
- Brantley
- Braxton
- Brayden
- Brayton
- Breagan
- Breckston
- Briar
- Bridger
- Brigg
- Briggs
- Brixton
- Brixx
- Brody
- Bronson
- Brooks
- Bryce
- Bryton
- Burke
- Burks
- Cabry
- Cal
- Caleb
- Calian – Indian origin, Great warrior (more modern C boy name meanings)
- Callum
- Calvin
- Camden
- Cannon
- Carson
- Carter
- Case
- Cash
- Cayden
- Caz
- Chance
- Chanceton
- Chet
- Chipper
- Clay
- Clifford
- Clive
- Clyde
- Coast
- Cohen
- Coleman
- Collin
- Colt
- Colton
- Conrad
- Cooper
- Corbin
- Cord
- Corvin
- Coulson
- Covey
- Coy
- Crew
- Crue
- Cruz
- Cruiz
- Cutler
- Dallas – Scottish origin, From the meadow dwelling (more modern D boy name meanings)
- Dalton
- Dane
- Dash
- Dason
- Davis
- Dawson
- Dax
- Daxon
- Daxton
- Dayton
- Deacon
- Deagan
- Decker
- Declan
- Dekker
- Denver
- Desmond
- Dixon
- Dominic
- Drakon

- Eames
- Easton
- Edison
- Egan
- Eir – Old Norse origin, Mercy (more modern E boy name meanings)
- Eli
- Elias
- Elijah
- Emerson
- Emery
- Emmett
- Emory
- Ender
- Enzo
- Everest
- Everett
- Everhett
- Ezden
- Ezra
- Ezrael
- Faber
- Fallon
- Fenix
- Fennwick (Fenn)
- Fenton
- Ferrin
- Finn
- Finnegan
- Finnian
- Finley
- Fisher
- Fitz
- Flynn
- Ford
- Forest
- Foster – English surname, To nourish or rear (more modern F boy name meanings)
- Fox
- Gable
- Gage
- Gaige
- Gaines
- Gaites
- Gareth
- Garin
- Garrett
- Garrick
- Garrison
- Gatling
- Gatsby
- Gauge
- Gavin
- Gehrig
- Gibson
- Gordin
- Grady
- Graham – English origin, From the gravelly homestead (more modern G boy name meanings)
- Granger
- Grant
- Gray
- Graydon
- Grayson
- Grey
- Greyer
- Greyson
- Griffin
- Griffith
- Grigsby
- Gunner
- Guy
- Gyver
- Haines
- Halen
- Harland
- Harris
- Harrison
- Harvey – French origin, Battle warrior (more modern H boy name meanings)
- Hatcher
- Havok
- Hayden
- Hayes
- Hemi
- Hendricks
- Hendrik
- Hendrix
- Henley
- Henry
- Heston
- Hiro
- Holden
- Houston
- Hudsen
- Hudson
- Hugh
- Huntlee
- Huntley
- Hutch
- Huxlee
- Huxon
- Hyker
- Hyrum
- Ike
- Indie – Originated from the United States, Independent (more modern I boy name meanings)
- Isaac
- Jace
- Jacer
- Jack
- Jackson
- Jak
- James
- Jameson
- Jax
- Jaxen
- Jaxon
- Jaxson – American origin, Son of Jack (more modern J boy name meanings)
- Isaac
- Jayden
- Jensen
- Jesse
- Jet
- Jett
- Jeter
- Jex
- Joe
- Jonah
- Jonas
- Jonathan
- Jones
- Jorey
- Joshua
- Josiah
- Judd
- Jude
- Juddson
- Julian

- Kade
- Kai
- Kaiden
- Kaladin
- Kalani
- Kannon
- Kasen
- Kashton
- Katayo
- Kayger
- Kayven
- Kaze
- Keaton
- Keegan
- Kellen
- Kellin
- Kendrick
- Kent
- Kenyon
- Kimball
- Kincaid – Old Scottish surname, From Kincaith (more modern K boy name meanings)
- Kingsley
- Kingson
- Kingstyn
- Knox
- Knoxx
- Koe (Pronounced like Joe)
- Kolby
- Kole
- Korbyn
- Kove
- Koy
- Krew
- Kru
- Krue
- Kyrone
- Laker
- Lamoni
- Lance
- Landon
- Lane
- Larson
- Lawson
- Ledger
- Leland
- Lennon
- Lennox
- Leo
- Leonidas – Greek origin, Lion-like (more modern L boy name meanings)
- Levi
- Lewis
- Liam – The most popular name for boys in 2021 according to the Social Security Administration.
- Lincoln
- Loal
- Lockwood (Lock)
- Logan
- Loic
- Louie
- Luca
- Luke
- MacAdam
- Maccoy – Scottish origin, From the Celtic “Mac Aodh”; Son of the fire (more modern M boy name meanings)
- Mack
- Madden
- Maddox
- Malachi
- Malakai
- Martin
- Mason
- Mateo
- Maverick
- Maverik
- Max
- Maxim
- Maximus
- Maxton
- McClain
- McCoy
- McKade
- Mckay
- Mcoy
- Memphis
- Merrel
- Miller
- Milo
- Miloh
- Miles
- Mitchell
- Morrison
- Moxon
- Mykah
- Myles
- Mylo
- Nash
- Nathan
- Nathaniel
- Nicholas
- Nixon – English origin, Son of Nicholas (more modern N boy name meanings)
- Noah
- Nolan
- Oakland
- Oaklee
- Oliver
- Orson
- Otto – German origin, Wealth (more modern O boy name meanings)
- Owen

- Parker
- Parks
- Phoenix – Greek origin, Blood red (more modern P boy name meanings)
- Porter
- Preston
- Pryer
- Quade
- Quaid
- Quinn – Irish origin, Descendent of Conn (more modern Q boy name meanings)
- Ranger
- Rayder
- Ree
- Reed
- Reese
- Reid
- Rex
- Rexton
- Rhett
- Rhys
- Ridge
- Riggins – Irish origin, Little King (more modern R boy name meanings)
- Riggs
- Ripp
- River
- Rockwell
- Rohan
- Roman
- Romiyo
- Ronin
- Rooney
- Roper
- Ross
- Roston
- Rowan
- Rowdy
- Rowling
- Royce
- Ruger
- Russell
- Ryatt
- Ryde
- Ryder
- Ryker
- Samson
- Sawyer
- Slade
- Smith
- Soony
- Soren
- Stanley
- Steel
- Steeler
- Sterling
- Stetson
- Stockton – English origin, From the monastery town (more modern S boy name meanings)
- Tad
- Taft
- Tag
- Taggart
- Taj
- Taje (Pronounced like Sage)
- Talmage
- Talon
- Tarek
- Tate
- Tatum
- Tayden
- Tayson
- Tayten
- Tayton
- Teague
- Tennessee – Native American origin, Gathering place (more modern T boy name meanings)
- Tennyson
- Thatch
- Thatcher
- Theodore
- Theo
- Thomas
- Tiago
- Timber
- Titan
- Titon
- Tobias
- Toryn
- Townes
- Trace
- Tracer
- Trae
- Traeger
- Trafford
- Trayke
- Treg
- Treysen
- Treyson
- Trigg
- Tripp
- Truman
- Tucker
- Turner
- Tyge
- Tyler
- Tyrion
- Tyson

- Urban – Latin origin, From the city (more modern U boy name meanings)
- Vaan (Pronounced like Vaughn)
- Vanson
- Vaughn
- Vaylor – American origin, Resourceful, Kind (more modern V boy name meanings)
- Vinn
- Walker
- Wallis
- Warner
- Ward
- Watts
- Waylon
- Wells
- Welles
- Wesley
- West
- Weston – English origin, From the West town (more modern W boy name meanings)
- Wheeler
- Wilder
- Woodrow
- Wyatt
- Wynston
- Xander – Greek origin, Defender of the people (more modern X boy name meanings)
- Xavier
- Xyan
- Yates – English origin, Dweller by the gate (more modern Y boy name meanings)
- York
- Zachary
- Zaiden
- Zandyn
- Zane
- Zayden
- Zeke
- Zion – Hebrew origin, Israel (more modern Z boy name meanings)
Related: What Every New Mom Should Know About Postpartum Body Changes
Modern Baby Girl Names

Picking the perfect modern baby girl name may seem like a daunting task, but we’re here to help!
Whether you’re looking for a stylish name like Blaire, Daphne, or Presley; a trendy name like Olivia, Ava, or Mia; or cute names like Elodie, Lyla, or Nova you’re sure to find the right name in the list below.
- Abby
- Abygail
- Acadia
- Ada
- Adaline
- Adeline
- Adalyn
- Addilyn
- Addison
- Addisynn
- Adelaide
- Adele
- Adrie – Dutch origin, Diminutive of Adrianus and Adriana (more modern A girl name meanings)
- Aidan
- Ainsley
- Alaine
- Alana
- Alexia
- Ali
- Alina
- Alta
- Amara
- Ambree
- Amelia
- Andilynn
- Anika
- Annabelle
- Anniston
- Arayah
- Ari
- Aria
- Arianna-Lynn
- Ariyanna
- Arlowe
- Aryela (pronounced Are-E-A-la)
- Ashtyn
- Aspen
- Astrid
- Athena
- Audree
- Audrey
- Aurora
- Ava
- Aven
- Avie
- Averie
- Avery
- Ayla (Pronounced eye-luh)
- Aynzlee
- Bailee
- Baylee
- Bella
- Belle
- Bentley
- Bennett
- Birdie
- Blair
- Blaire
- Blake
- Blakely
- Bliss
- Bowie – Irish origin, Yellow haired (more modern B girl name meanings)
- Braelyn
- Braelynn
- Brayli
- Breena
- Breklyn
- Brenner
- Brexxli
- Brexley
- Brighton
- Brinleigh
- Brinley
- Bristol
- Brix
- Brooke
- Brooklyn
- Brylee
- Brynlee
- Camdyn
- Camrie
- Campbell
- Cara
- Caroline
- Carter June Belle
- Cecilia
- Celia
- Chamberlee
- Chaneal
- Chansey
- Charlie
- Charlee
- Charleigh
- Charlotte
- Charly
- Chesney
- Cheyenne
- Cilla
- Claire
- Clara
- Collins
- Connolly
- Cooper Lyn
- Cora
- Cove – English origin, Small coastal inlet (more modern C girl name meanings)
- Crosby
- Dahlia
- Daivy – Indian origin, Divine (more modern D girl name meanings)
- Dakotah
- Dallee
- Dallie
- Danivyn
- Daphne
- Darla
- Daylin
- Della
- Delphy
- Demi
- Desi
- Delta
- Dillyn
- Dixie
- Dotty
- Echo
- Eden
- Eisley
- Elaina
- Eleanor
- Elena
- Eliana
- Eliyah
- Eliza
- Ella
- Ellie
- Elliot
- Ellodie
- Elodie
- Eloise – French origin, Famous warrior (more modern E girl name meanings)
- Elora
- Elorie
- Ellorie
- Elsie
- Ember
- Emberly
- Emerson
- Emerie
- Emery
- Emma
- Emmalily
- Emmalyne
- Emmary
- Emmeline
- Esme
- Estelle
- Eva
- Evelyn
- Evelynn
- Everleigh
- Everly
- Evie

- Fable
- Fairly
- Fanning
- Fay – French origin, Fairy or Elf (more modern F girl name meanings)
- Faye
- Fayre
- Fendi
- Fern
- Finley
- Flora
- Freya
- Fynlee
- Gavyn
- Gemma
- Genevieve
- Gentry
- Georgia
- Gigi
- Goldie
- Gracie
- Greta – German origin, A pearl (more modern G girl name meanings)
- Hadlee
- Hadley
- Hadli
- Halli
- Halley
- Hallow
- Harbor
- Harley
- Harlow
- Harlowe
- Harlyn
- Harper – English origin, Harp player (more modern H girl name meanings)
- Hartlie
- Harvie
- Hattie
- Haven
- Hayley
- Haylee
- Heidi
- Helena
- Henlee
- Henley
- Hera
- Holland
- Huntlie
- Indee
- Indi
- Indy
- Iris – Greek origin, Colorful, Rainbow (more modern I girl name meanings)
- Isabella
- Isilee (Pronounced Iss-ill-ee)
- Isla
- Isobel
- Ivee
- Ivie
- Jacie
- Jacey
- Jade
- Jasmine
- Jaylee
- Jemma
- Jenna
- Jennison
- Jersey
- Jocelyn
- Jolene
- Jordyn
- Jordynn
- Josey
- Journie
- Jovi
- Jovie – American origin, Joyful (more modern J girl name meanings)
- Judith
- June Belle
- Juniper
- Justina

- Kada – Sanskrit origin, Cloud (more modern K girl name meanings)
- Kaezlee
- Kaislee
- Kaizlee
- Kalena
- Kallie
- Kamryn
- Kanyon Skye
- Kapri
- Kaycee
- Kaydence
- Kenadee
- Kendra
- Kennedy
- Kenzee
- Kenzi
- Keslynn
- Kestry
- Kezlee
- Khloe
- Kiara
- Kimber
- Kinlee
- Kinley
- Kinsley
- Klaire
- Knoxx
- Kodie
- Kolbi
- Kopelynn
- Korra
- Korraline
- Kourtlyn
- Kourtnee
- Krimzyn
- Kylee
- Lacey
- Lainey
- Laken
- Lana
- LaRue
- Leia
- Leigha
- Leighton
- Lennon – Irish origin, Dear One (more modern L girl name meanings)
- Lenny
- Lettie
- Lexi
- Lila
- Lilibet
- Lillie
- Lily
- Lindley
- Liv
- Livia
- London
- Lucie
- Lucile
- Lucy
- Lula
- Luna
- Luxley
- Lyanna
- Lydia
- Lyla
- Lyllah
- Lyric
- Macie
- Madalyn
- Madalynn
- Maddy
- Madeline
- Madilyn
- Mae
- Maebel – English origin, Lovable (more modern M girl name meanings)
- Maelie
- Maelynn
- Maeve
- Maggie
- Magnolia “Nolie”
- Maisie
- Maizee
- MaKayla
- MaKeara
- MaKindrey
- Maple
- Marigold
- Marlanea (pronounced Mar-LAY-nuh)
- Marley
- Matilda
- Maurlee
- Maxwell
- Maycee
- Maycie
- Maylee
- Maysen
- Mazey
- Mazie
- Mckenley “Kenny”
- McKenzie
- McKinley
- Meadow
- Megan
- Melody
- Memphis
- Mia
- Miah
- Miekah
- Mika
- Mikinley
- Mila (Pronounced mee-la)
- Molly
- Monroe
- Morley
- Murphy
- Myah
- Myla
- Naevi
- Naomi
- Natalie
- Navy
- Nayvee
- Nayvie
- Nellie
- Nevaeh
- Nina
- Noelle
- Nora
- Norah
- Nova – Latin origin, New (more modern N girl name meanings)

- Oaklee
- Oaklen – American origin, Beautiful Oak (more modern O girl name meanings)
- Oakley
- Oaklie
- Octavia
- Olive
- Olivia – The most popular name for girls in 2021 according to the Social Security Administration.
- Opal
- Ozzy
- Paisley
- Palmer
- Parker
- Payton
- Peyton
- Peytyn
- Piper
- Poppy
- Porter
- Presley
- Prish – Hindu origin, God gifted (more modern P girl name meanings)
- Quimby – Norse origin, Estate of the woman (more modern Q girl name meanings)
- Quincee
- Quincy
- Quinn
- Rae
- Raegan
- Raelynn
- Raidyn
- Reagan
- Reese
- Remedi
- Remi
- Remington
- Remy
- Renata
- Rey
- Riannon “Aria”
- Riley
- Rome
- Rory
- Rosalie “Rosie”
- Rose
- Roselynn
- Roslyn
- Rowen “Roe” – English origin, From the Rowan tree (more modern R girl name meanings)
- Rowyn
- Roxanne
- Ruby
- Rue
- Ry’lee
- Ryah
- Rylee
- Rylie

- Sadie
- Sage
- Saige
- Sailor
- Salem
- Salynnity
- Sarina
- Savanna
- Savvy – American origin, Smart (more modern S girl name meanings)
- Saylor
- Scarlet
- Scarlett
- Scottlyn
- Scout
- Seattle
- Serenity
- Shaeli
- Shaylie
- Sicily
- Sienna
- Skye
- Skylar
- Skylee
- Sofia
- Sofie
- Sophia
- Sophie
- Sloan
- Sloane
- Stella
- Stephanie
- Stevie
- Sullivan
- Summer
- Sunny
- Sutton Lou
- Swaizey
- Swayzee
- Talia
- Tayler
- Taylie
- Taylor
- Temperance
- Tennley – English origin, Burnt clearing (more modern T girl name meanings)
- Thora
- Tia
- Trinity
- Tunley
- Valencia
- Vallie
- Vanessa
- Vica – English origin, To live (more modern V girl name meanings)
- Violet
- Vittoria
- Whitley
- Willa
- Willow
- Winry – English origin, Blessed (more modern W girl name meanings)
- Wrigley
- Zara – English origin, Princess (more modern Z girl name meanings)
- Zayden
- Zaylei
- Zella
- Zenniyah (Pronounced ze-nye-uh)
- Zia
- Ziva
- Zoe/Zoey
- Zuri
Related: The Ultimate First Time Mom Baby Registry Checklist

Must Haves For New Moms
Knowing what you need (and what you don't) as a first time mom can be tough. This is the best list of must haves for new moms (coming from a mom of 4)!
The ULTIMATE First Time Mom Baby Registry
This baby registry checklist is second to none with everything you need and nothing you don’t. And to make registering easy, I made a free checklist printable for you to download!
3 First Time Mom Books Worth A Read
Here are three of the best first time mom books covering topics from pregnancy, to baby sleep, to parenting.
11 Things Moms Need In Their Hospital Bag (+Checklist Printable)
As a first time mom you may feel the need to overpack for your delivery, but it’s not necessary! Check out the 11 essentials you’ll need during your stay, plus grab my free hospital bag checklist printable.
8 Baby Essentials For The First 3 Months
Check out the 8 baby essentials for the first 3 months you need to get, especially if you’re a first time mom. These are the secret weapons you need for a successful newborn stage!
14 Breastfeeding Essentials For First Time Moms
All of the breastfeeding essentials any first time mom needs. Plus 3 extra items that make the nursing process a whole lot easier!
According to Nameberry, the name trends for 2023 will focus on maximalist, 80’s style, gilded, neo-cowboy, cross-cultural, X-tra, adjectives, grandpa, blue-green, and mix and match names.
Here are a few cool names from each of the categories:
80’s Style
Grandpa names for Girls
Mix and Match
Pretty names are usually subjective but here are several names that mean pretty or beautiful:
According to the Social Security Administration, these are the lowest names in the list of 1000 names. They are at the bottom of the list, which means they are somewhat rare:
Free Printables
Every year I go through and update this list based on names given to babies in the last year.
If you’d like to get a cute printable list with all of the modern names for boys moms have used in 2021 and 2022 (including middle names!), just enter your email below and I’ll send you the list.
Here are even more modern boy names for 2023!
And if you’re wondering what names moms are using for their baby girls in 2022, just enter your email below and I’ll send you a cute printable list with over 50 names moms have used in the past year (including middle names)!
Most of the names are also included in this list of top 1000 baby girl names!
If you know any other first time moms who might like these lists, be sure to share this post with them and spread the baby name love!
Want More?
If you liked this post, be sure to check out my growing archive of baby name lists including posts like:
- 590 Old-Fashioned Names for Girls
- 115 Gender-Neutral Names
- Uncommon Baby Girl Names
- Uncommon Baby Boy Names
Your Turn
Do you have any modern baby names that aren’t on the list but should be?
Leave me a comment and I’ll add them!

Wednesday 22nd of June 2022
Also have another daughter called Peony
Wednesday 22nd of June 2022
I have a daughter called Hebe she has never met another one
Jessica Ashcroft
Monday 27th of June 2022
That's so unique! How do you pronounce it?
Wednesday 23rd of February 2022
Auria (are-e-ya)
Tuesday 24th of August 2021
Another couple name ideas for the list: Leia (lay-uh) my sisters name (from Star Wars) Chaneal (Sha-neil) Kristen
Jessica Ashcroft
Wednesday 25th of August 2021
Thank you! I will add those!
Monday 12th of July 2021
I’m named after all my grandmothers middle names Raeleeann pronounced Rae-Lee-Ann. I’ve always love my name and haven’t heard anyone else with the same name. My middle name is also Erah-Vai pronounced Air-a-vay, named after and old relative as well.