Pregnancy can bring on crazy experiences, that you can’t help but laugh to get through it. I took some funny pregnancy quotes from other moms and turned them into inspirational graphics!
Any first time mom who is experiencing pregnancy for the first time may be taken aback by some of the unexpected symptoms that come from carrying a baby.
But those who’ve been through pregnancy multiple times know those situations are ones to laugh about!
I asked some of my fellow moms what’s something funny that happens during pregnancy that you wish wasn’t true but totally is and I got some hilarious responses.
I decided to follow the TikTok Inspirational Quote trend and turn these funny pregnancy quotes into some fancy graphics so you can laugh right along with the ridiculousness of being pregnant.
And the best part is all of these are 100% true!
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30+ Hilarious (and Inspirational) Pregnancy Quotes
1. Get ready to cry
The hormones are real during pregnancy and I had moms share their experiences crying about everything from spilled ice to Arby’s being sold out of curly fries.

2. Hairy belly
So many comments about the extra hair that accompanies pregnancy. WTH is right!

3. Peeing my pants
You’ll see lots of quotes about peeing. That was the most frequent quote I got about funny things that happen during pregnancy.

4. Morning sickness
The sickness that never really goes away, haha.

5. So much snot
It feels like the mucus production is on overdrive when you’re pregnant.

6. Mood swings
People breathing wrong is just one of the things that can set off a pregnant woman.

7. The constipation
While not very funny, it’s a very real symptom of being pregnant!

8. No control over my farts
Like when it’s a serious moment and the gas slips out and will not stop.

9. Everything is puffy
All of that extra water you’re retaining can cause some major puffiness!

10. Pregnancy brain
For those who are normally very sharp, pregnancy brain can be quite the nuisance!

11. Heartburn
It’s especially ridiculous when it’s combined with morning sickness.

12. Drooling while I sleep
Seriously, when will the bodily fluids end!

13. I threw up so hard
Just add throwing up to the list of what will make a pregnant woman pee her pants.

14. Bad breath
It seems like everyone has bad breath. Especially the husband.

15. My belly is so fuzzy
Another one about being hairy. I thought the bear references was especially hilarious!

16. Every other pregnant mom
You just feel bad for this mama…until you realize it’s you.

17. Full screaming breakdown
You do not mess with a pregnant woman’s food. Nuh uh.

18. Just had a drink
The bathroom is a frequent visit for the pregnant mama in any stage.

19. Looking down at my nipples
This quote made me laugh out loud! It’s so funny because it’s true lol.

20. Crazy vivid dreams
Something most mamas mentioned were the crazy dreams. Often times about sex.

21. When I’m moody
This mama’s alright now, but it just goes to show you do not want to mess with an emotional pregnant woman!

22. My favorite foods
If baby doesn’t like it, mama doesn’t get it.

23. Lightning crotch
This is a crazy experience when you feel a sharp, needle like sensation in the crotch. Painful, yes. Also, very real.

24. My hands are so puffy
Thank goodness that swelling goes away after delivery!

25. Brushing my teeth
If there’s one thing that can make you gag faster than bad breath it’s brushing your teeth.

26. When you drop something
Consider that item dead. It doesn’t help that pregnant women are some of the most clumsy out there.

27. You take my breath away
It’s all fun and games to feel baby move until they start kicking your ribs.

28. The waddle is strong
But the bladder is not unfortunately. Time for some kegels.

29. You’re kicking me smalls
Please don’t kick my bladder again.

30. Good pregnancy workout
The easiest way to get out of breath is trying to reach your feet.

31. Is that my shirt?
Sorry hubby. It’s the only thing that fits.

Want More?
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Your Turn
Which of these funny pregnancy quotes was your favorite?? Have any quotes you want me to make into inspirational graphics?
Let me know in the comments!